If you want to send a care package to an incarcerated person, you can use iCare. What You Should Know About iCare Inmate Packages Before Sending One Sending iCare Packages is an approved way of delivering different goodies and necessities to inmates, and you can use the service to pleasantly surprise the inmate you care about. Writing letters to inmates, sending them packages, and inmate visitation is only available ever so often. Inmates in correctional facilities are not left with many options to stay in touch with the outside world. Connect With an Inmate All You Need to Know About iCare Packages for Inmates Learn All About iCare Packages for Inmates in One Place DoNotPay provides a platform for legal information and self-help. DoNotPay is not a law firm and is not licensed to practice law. Because everyone is unique, our self-help tools are never guaranteed to help with any specific situation. As a result, you should make sure to do your own independent research. Value of each package is $50.IEditorial Note: These blog posts represent the opinion of DoNotPay’s Writers, but each person’s situation and circumstances vary greatly.

An organization wishing to have multiple packages on hand to distribute to their community may submit a request to purchase a specific quantity. Donations to support the program are greatly appreciated. This is made possible through generous community donations, organizational partners, and sponsorships. SPCC is able to provide One iCare Package per survivor of suicide loss household at no cost. *Often we are able to include a book designed specifically for the sibling(s) of the lost loved one living in the home please specify on the form below if there is a sibling directly affected living in the recipient’s home. Each iCare package includes the following resources to navigate this journey: two books, a journal, a pen, information on ways to connect with other loss survivors and organizations, a handmade gift, and a canvas tote bag.

iCare Package resource materials are generalized to be easily distributed throughout Colorado but can be customized by any local organization by simply including their own literature. These packages evolved to help suicide loss survivors and they contain useful resource material and supportive reading selections that align with safe messaging recommendations. ICare packages continue to include comforting touches from people in the community who have experienced the suicide loss of a loved one.

It was important to these parents to let others know they are not alone in their loss and grief. iCare Packages were founded from the loving efforts of parents who lost children to suicide. ICare packages contain resources to help support an individual or family with the loss of a loved one to suicide.