
Invisible jet
Invisible jet

invisible jet

During the 1950s, the plane became a jet, and was often shown swooping over Lt. She uses the plane to fly into outer space, and frequently transports Etta Candy and the Holliday Girls, Steve Trevor, or others. Shortly thereafter, the telepathic capacities of Wonder Woman's tiara allow her to summon it, often to hover or swoop by the War Department, and she would exit on a rope ladder. In a story made shortly after, it flies at 40 miles a second. Though never explicitly stated, the Plane is presumably stored there when not in use for the rest of the Pre-Crisis era. Prince and changes clothes in some of the earliest tales. Wonder Woman is seen storing the plane at an abandoned farm near Washington, D.C., in the barn she goes there as Lt. The Invisible Plane appeared in the very first comic stories, including All-Star Comics #8, where it is shown as being able to fly at over 2000 miles per hour (MPH) and to send out rainbow rays that penetrate the mist around Paradise Island, as well as landing stealthily and having a built-in radio. Initially, it was portrayed as being transparent. The result of her innovation was an invisible plane that could fly at terrific speeds silently and not be detected by hostile forces, thus avoiding unpleasant conflict. She created it to be an improvement on her mother's planes which would be shot down in Man's World. The Invisible Plane was a creation of Diana's during her younger years on Paradise Island. Though this meant that she would rely on the invisible plane less frequently, she always had need of it. This had limitations, however for example, if there was no wind and the air was completely still she would be trapped on the ground or if dropped from a distance that she would helplessly fall out of control to the ground.

invisible jet

She grew increasingly powerful through the Silver Age of comic books and beyond, acquiring the power to ride wind currents thus allowing her to imitate flight over short distance.

invisible jet

The Pre-Crisis version of the invisible plane was a necessity because before the Crisis on Infinite Earths rewrote Wonder Woman's history-along with the histories of many other heroes-Wonder Woman simply could not fly.

Invisible jet